So... With the economy so scary, Bret and I have
been trying to pay things off and be a little more
careful with our money. I am officially a crazy
coupon cutter! On sunday, I cut out my coupons,
check the stores weekly sales, and make a shopping
list. The coupons are great and save me money,
but when I use them with a sale it is awesome!
The best was when Bret went with me and the
total came to $375.00. I know he was sweating
bullets! I gave the cashier my coupons and after
she got through them all I paid $140.00. You
should have seen the smile on Brets face! He was
so proud of me! Now I only buy what is on sale and
I actually have a food storage! SO MUCH FUN!
Don't be surprised if you get a christmas gift from
one of my great sales! haha...
WOW I am impressed!!!!
I stumbled on your blog when I was googling food storage.
Your food storage shelves look amazing! Isn't it great what coupons can do? It's so nice to have full shelves of food.
Anyway, if you are ever looking for any food storage tips or recipes that use only food storage food, feel free to check out our blog!
Good luck!
Hannah @
Awesome Kris! Em did mention this when she came home from your place, thats really cool!!
this is an obsession that i need to fall into... keep alerting me of the awesome deals :)
Holy SH** that is amazing.... You go girl....
Ok Kris..... I'm startin' it up! Headed to Albertsons tonight for my sweet deals... again and again and again ;D AWESOME!!! I just printed tons of coupons and have my little list ready to go!
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