Saturday, June 7, 2008

GrAdUaTiOn 2008

We had a little family dinner party before the
graduation ceremony. It was fun to have our
parents here. They are always so good to
support us!

WOW!! I can't believe that my baby Jake is graduated! It seems like yesterday I held a brand new baby boy in my arms. He was the light of his mommy and daddys eyes! Jake has always had such a cute personality. He is the most tender heart and seems a little shy at times. I love to hear him laugh.. it is so contagious! Sometimes I will be upstairs and hear his laugh and I have to giggle. Bret and I are so PROUD of him and feel so blessed to have him for our son.

Jake: Shoot for the moon, cuz even if you miss you will land in the stars!!


Sears Family of 6, wait wow 6!!!!! said...

Congratulations Jakey!! What a big day for everyone! We love you!!

Sandi said...

I love this! Your parents are so cute. They look the same to me too.

My oldest is going to graduate in May and I get a lump in my throat every time I think about it. I pretty much boob everyday about something!