So... With the economy so scary, Bret and I have
been trying to pay things off and be a little more
careful with our money. I am officially a crazy
coupon cutter! On sunday, I cut out my coupons,
check the stores weekly sales, and make a shopping
list. The coupons are great and save me money,
but when I use them with a sale it is awesome!
The best was when Bret went with me and the
total came to $375.00. I know he was sweating
bullets! I gave the cashier my coupons and after
she got through them all I paid $140.00. You
should have seen the smile on Brets face! He was
so proud of me! Now I only buy what is on sale and
I actually have a food storage! SO MUCH FUN!
Don't be surprised if you get a christmas gift from
one of my great sales! haha...